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  • All campers will be asked to perform temperature checks seven days before camp and complete a pre-camp questionnaire.

  • All Staff and campers will have a health screening when arriving and every day at camp.

  • Campers will wear masks when indoors, except in their cabin.

  • Campers will maintain social distancing from other cabin groups in addition to wearing masks when outdoors.

  • Cabins will move about camp as a Cabin group.

  • When playing outdoor games, campers may remove their masks during gameplay. When a camper is a sector, they will need to wear their mask.

  • Cabins will shower on a schedule to prevent cabins from mixing.

  • Continue to clean high-touch surfaces several times a day (door handles, faucets, etc.)

  • Purchased an electrostatic fogger to apply disinfectant regularly

    • We are using a natural disinfectant to prevent any allergy problems.​

  • All central heating systems have had their air filters upgraded to a MERV 12 HEPA style filter, and we have installed CDC recommended UV-C sterilization lights in the air returns to clean the air. These lights have been proven to kill COVID-19 and are in use in hospitals.

  • All areas without central heating will have a portable HEPA filtration system with UV-C light installed and turned 24 hours a day.

  • Camp staff will be wearing masks at all times except when addressing a large group or when working alone.

  • The only staff in cabins will be the assigned cabin leaders unless the camp medical provider is needed in a cabin.

  • Any staff member or camper displaying signs or symptoms of COVID-19 will be quarantined onsite, parent or guardian contacted, MN Department of health contacted, and the camper will be taken to the parent's testing facility/guardians choice for a COVID-19 test and then transported home.

  • Volunteers and staff will not be permitted to leave camp unless they return to their homes and return to camp. Volunteers and staff are not allowed to visit public places (Grocery Store, Wal-mart, etc.) and return to camp.

  • Meals will be served to campers at their tables to prevent cabins from mixing in the waiting line for food.

  • Tables in the dining hall will be a minimum of 6 feet apart (MN DOH, 1-26-2021).

  • Staff will disinfect all restrooms a minimum of 3 times a day.

Our Mission & Ministry

Prairie River Camp is a year-round Christian Bible Camp and Retreat Center dedicated to providing a transformational environment

for "All to Encounter Life Transformation Through

Jesus Christ."

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